Girl in Bionic Suit 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Life games

When I wrote the previous entry, it was pouring right outside my window. Half way thru typing, I looked up and saw a clear grey sky. It was a nice surprise.

It's charming how our world works sometimes. Just the other week, I intended to pen an entry about how plump I was growing because I couldn't fit comfortably into my working suits. I'd eaten less and walked more distances, but my size refused to be reined in. Then one day, I just fitted (snugly) into some smaller-sized clothes again.

I wish the world works like this all the time, with nice, positive surprises along the way and/or at the end of dreary tunnels. Or maybe the world does work this way, only, we have to learn to be a little more patient. You know, ride out the waves as they come etc. After all storms come and go but we, the (good) people, are here to stay.

Like how the folks in this new city can be dreadful, the politics deadly. I wasn't playing their game but apparently that didn't matter. I was stabbed and I bled and almost died. Now I'm learning to play their game. Learning to ride the waves. But this is going to be a long-drawn game. I hope the world gives me some nice ups along the way.
posted by redshot on 28.12.06 0 comments

Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Cheaper and way better than retail therapy

Last night when I got into the car, drenched wet like a swan from the onslaught of the monsoon downpour, my little puppy jumped right into my arms. I buried my face in his freshly washed hair, smelling it as he snuggled into my arms, cozy like a heater in the cold weather. Times like this, melt trouble away like hot wax. Nothing like a live radiator sleeping in your arms to mask reality temporarily and make it seem pretty again.
posted by redshot on 27.12.06 0 comments

Saturday, December 23, 2006
Last Christmas

... I wrapped it up and sent it
With a note saying "I Love You" I meant it
Now I know what a fool I've been
But if you kissed me now I know you'd fool me again
posted by redshot on 23.12.06 0 comments

Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Make it your Christmas mission

Christmas gifts
On my desk: celebrating Christmas the modern way

I now have four Christmas gifts (thank you YOU, u, u & u) and counting. Meanwhile I haven't given a single present. I am pretty late this year, though it's not to say that I'm not late any other year. See, I'm just not good with the buying and giving of gifts for "special occasions"; I prefer to be more spontaneous ! Buy when I see something nice ! Give when it's unexpected !

That said, I would still like to do something special during this season of sharing. It's an idea that I got from Mr. M (read here). So, to the few loved ones and good friends who still read my blog, I would like to say:

Although I wish you the world, and would have given you a token of it by way of a present, I thought that it would mean a lot more to both you and I if the money that would have been spent on the said token be directed to the worthy cause of bringing Christmas cheer to the victims of the typhoons in The Philippines. I hope that you will also consider doing the same.


PS: Get on Santa’s nice list (if your name’s still off it !): Donate and encourage others to do the same.
posted by redshot on 19.12.06 1 comments

Sunday, December 17, 2006
The week past

What a stir it caused, the old shot taken with a mere camera phone. Naysayers were hard at work in the neighborhood. The accompanying rumors, which expectantly got more exciting as they got passed along, was almost two weeks old when we were confronted by the elders.

We were forewarned just an hour before Jelly went to J. Still it was quite a shock ! that more than half of the neighborhood had already been treating it as the street gossip for a while. I didn't remember J being any sort of celebrity before I came. What warranted such interest in his personal life ?

I was shocked, then outraged, and am still mad. The anger makes me reckless. I'd kept my profile low, shunning limelight and steering clear of the politics. But all I want to do now, is to spit in the faces of the gossipers. What right have you, to be doing what you were/are doing ? Especially YOU, who are leaving the neighborhood. Why do you have to stir up such shit about us, who would still be here, long after you are gone ?

My indignation is my most effective reminder of how vicious even remote neighbors can turn out to be. I hope it never fades away.
posted by redshot on 17.12.06 0 comments

Saturday, November 25, 2006
The return of the prodigal blogger

It's getting dusty here, isn't it ? Many, many apologies for the willful neglect. It has been weeks of too few and too many happenings since I moved to a new city. I thought I am streetwise, but the new place is a whole new jungle. I am cautious but eager to conquer the world while I still know everything. Given what I have, I count myself pretty fortunate to be here. Someone up there is giving me a huge break.

My immediate neighbors are condescendingly cordial. But I pretty much got used to it after the initial frustration. Things are much easier because I am not interested to break into the inner circle. I am contented to hang out with those outside of this city, or by myself. Keeping work and personal life separate is becoming my specialty.

As for the rest of the neighborhood, it is expectedly complicated. I have no strong desire to venture that far into the jungle yet. That day will come, but it is not now. I will enjoy my remaining peaceful days (as a rookie) as much as I can.
posted by redshot on 25.11.06 0 comments

Thursday, September 07, 2006
Thought I died and went to heaven

Apparently I was a little better than I had rated myself. The last meeting was a success and the decision, made fairly quickly. I had initially expected it to be dragged out for at least a week. So it was such a delightful surprise to receive the good news barely a day after, the call coming in just as I stepped off the escalator into Kino at NAC.

I could still remember the exact spot and the numerous titles of the books on that shelf, where Mel had continued in his misleadingly apologetic voice, ".. and so I called with the good news.." I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the evening.

Later that night an email came in, informing me that the result of another long drawn-out project was out. To say that the particular project was the bane of my life was an understatement. It was a prolonged period of darkness and more darkness, and I was so completely acquainted with the gloom, I lost the concept of light.

I clicked on the link and checked out the results with the heaviest of heart. That night, I saw the sun. I was thoroughly and willingly blinded.
posted by redshot on 7.9.06 1 comments

the author


January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
November 2006
December 2006
