Girl in Bionic Suit 2006: Not the most beautiful start
Friday, January 06, 2006
Not the most beautiful start

Today was a bad day. Fan texted me early in the morning, visibly distressed. Apparently the one thing that he’d been dreading all this while was starting to happen ... again. It was sad, and I genuinely felt sorry for my mate. It’s not going to be easy, but I’m certain he’ll learn to cope with it again. Meanwhile I would be keeping him in the prayers.

Monet’s eyes swelled up terribly and he could barely see anything properly. It looked painful. I wished he had stayed at home today. It was such a rare compliment, but when he said that I was pretty today, I seriously believed that swelled-up eyes did make everything seem so much lovelier.

On my way to Raffles today, just before I reached the Other Office, I discovered, to my dismay, that my mobile phone was nowhere to be found. I searched my bag over and again. I must have dropped it on the bus/train. I wasn’t panicky but I was awfully upset. It was only a little more than eight months ago that I queued up for hours to purchase the phone. Yea, I was such a dork. I loved it loads, even though it was such a problem giver compared to my previous phones.

I called my no., hoping to get the other party to answer the phone and hopefully return it to me. The person pressed away my calls several times. I sent a message to my phone. There was no reply. Finally a couple of hours later, he/she switched off my phone.

It was just depressing. For a moment I was tempted to unleash some wild made-up curses on the person, but really, had it not been my carelessness, he/she would not have much chances to be a finder keeper. Sigh.

Hopefully tomorrow would be a better day. Meanwhile I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the person who’s found my phone, would find his conscience as well to contact the rightful owner soon.
posted by redshot on 6.1.06


Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't be too harsh on ureself... shit happens sometimes yah?


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